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Tamara (vo): Toonami also extended its runtime by an additional hour, showing its popularity was growing. (Footage of the Batman and Superman animated series is shown, as well as their Toonami intros) Tamara (vo): They also added reruns of classic shows like Batman and Superman. Toonami General #1 - "/co/ - Comics & Cartoons" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of Western cartoons and comics. 25/06/2018 06/03/2021 Toonami is a television channel that launched in France on 11 February 2016. It is operated and distributed by WarnerMedia France.It is named after the late night television programming block seen on Adult Swim in the United States every Saturday night. From 2016 until 2020, France's Toonami used the logo introduced by the original block in 2004 with branded promos that were also used in The following is the complete list of lineups that were broadcast on Adult Swim's Toonami block from February 2021. 1 February 6, 2021 2 February 13, 2021 3 February 20, 2021 4 February 27, 2021 12:00am - Dragon Ball Super - Episode 101 - "Warriors of Justice Close In! The Pride Troopers Hinge and Adult Swim team up on a new season of Toonami – The Forge. The 6 episode series explores the origins of TOM and the dangers lurking in the forge!

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应用程序ID: 84920 版本: 6.0.2 類型: 娱乐 下载: 1133 尺寸: 33.38 MB 评价: 0 更多信息 已发布: 十月 16, 2016 规格: com.zenga.zengatv 安全:

Toonami began life as a spinoff of Space Ghost Coast to Coast, with Moltar broadcasting action cartoons from the Ghost Planet.Cartoon Network later Retooled the block with an original host character, TOM (standing for Toonami Operations Module), broadcasting from the Cool Starship Absolution (with Spaceship Girl SARA joining the cast later). The network also created story-based events and Toonami (/ t uː ˈ n ɑː m i / too-NAH-mee) is an American late night television programming block that primarily broadcasts Japanese anime and occasionally American action animation.It was created by Sean Akins and Jason DeMarco and produced by Williams Street, a division of Warner Bros. Entertainment.The name is a portmanteau of the words "cartoon" and "tsunami". Bring Back Toonami is an online movement dedicated to reviving the Toonami cartoon programming block on the [adult swim] cable network. The movement was inspired by an unexpected airing of the block on April Fools Day in 2012. It was a successful venture that resulted in the complete revival of Toonami and proved that the internet could strike a fateful blow against the animation age ghetto